The Most Common Strategy Use In Any Ragnarok Server Is Keeping Emperium As Host.
But You think is This Good Strategy? You Decide is it better for you or not by Reading The Advantages And Disadvantages.
When Emperium As host Can be Advantage or What Is the Advantage:-
Advantage to the guild which is keeping Emperium as Host.
-You can Break At Any Time.
-You can Defend Till Last Minute and Break at last.
-Opponents Cannot Break there own Castle's Emperium.
-You can Trap the spawn point of the Host Guild (i.e when used flag you get wrapped where)
-You can appoint some Wizard and Clown to keep spaming Storm Gust in the spawn point of the Host Guild.
Advantage to the guild whose Emperium is kept as Host.
-You can use Guild Flag and Reach Emperium Room Quickly.
-You can ask All guild members to use flag and meet at Pre-Emp Room.
-This Saves UC/EC because you can easily use flag to come back.
-If you are strong enough then you can get back your Castle.
-There Defence can be broken down easily
Advantage to other guilds who are also playing WOE.
-You can keep killing both guild members (who is defending and whose Emp is kept as host)
-You can take advantage when this both guild are busy fighting with each other.
-If your guild is Strong enough then you can pawn both of them and show who is the Boss.
When Emperium As host Can be Disadvantage or What Is the Disadvantage:-
Disadvantage to the guild which is keeping Emperium as Host.
-The Guild member's whose Emperium you have kept will keep coming again and again at faster speed by using flag.
-Defence will be keep breaking.
-If you got Less number of Members then this strategy is not good and you will lose the control.
-You have only Pre-Emp And Emp Room defence and you cannot defence entrance or other rooms or else the guild whose Emp has kept as Host will come inside using flag easily.
Disadvantage to the guild whose Emperium is kept as Host.
-If the Guild master of the other guild (who kept Emp as host) knows that he is doing then you are in trouble.
-They can break any time so no much success chance.
-If the Guild master is good Enough then he can send small group of members to spam skills of the spawn point of flag (i.e where your guild members will be spawned after using castle flag) and your members will keep dying in no time.
-They can trap you in flag spawn Point inside the castle.
-You also need to fight with other guilds who are playing woe.
Disadvantage to other guilds who are also playing WOE.
-Mostly you don't have any luck in it or any advantage in this as ultimately one of the above two guilds are going to get control of castle.
Also Read:- How To Win A WOE Match When you got Less number of Guild Members In Your Guild
Thanks For Reading ^_^
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