Making Zeny With Sniper

Making Zeny On any server Depends upon the Drop rate of the server.

If your Drop rate of server is Good then Go For "Gokurin"-Selling Price 120,000z with over charge 148,000z -Droped By Petite(Sky Petite)  (Mid/High Rate Servers are good)

Equips For Hunting In mjolnir_03 / hu_fild04 / gef_fild06 Killing Petite/Sky Petite for Gokurin

HeadGear Top : Lkh ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/attack on your server)
Headgear Mid : Binoculars ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Headgear Lower : Pipe ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Armour : Pantie[1]+Alicel Card / Porcellio Card
Weapon : +7~10 Earthen bow[1] + Skeleton Worker Card
Garment : Undershirt[1]+Whisper Card / Dragon Tail Card
Footgear : Black Leather Boots[1]+Male thief bug card/Chonchon Card (best will be Chonchon Card)
Accessory : Vesper core 03 x2 / Orleans Glove+Zerom x2 / Bow Thimble[1]+zerom x2
Arrows : Earth property

Strategy For This Map

Mob all Sky Petite and Then Use Sharp Shooting.


Dex: 99
Agi: 90
Str: Remaining


If your server is Mid rate then Go to Gefenia 01~04 For Diamond Ring, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Cursed Water, Professional Cooking Kit, Royal Jelly Dropped by Incubus, Succubus,Violy. This Map Is one of the Treasure chest.

Equips For Hunting In Gefenia 01,02,03,04 For Diamond Ring, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Cursed Water, Professional Cooking Kit, Royal Jelly.

HeadGear Top : Lkh ( or any which gives you max dex/attack on your server)
Headgear Mid : Binoculars ( or any which gives you max dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Headgear Lower : Pipe ( or any which gives you max dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Armour : Pantie[1]+ Porcellio Card
Weapon : +7~10 Hunter Bow[1] + Skeleton Worker Card (or any other good [2] slotted bow with 2 skeleton Worker Card)
Garment : Undershirt[1]+Dragon Tail Card
Footgear : Black Leather Boots[1]+Male thief bug card/Chonchon Card (best will be Chonchon Card)
Accessory : Vesper core 02/04 x2 / Orleans Glove+Zerom x2 / Bow Thimble[1]+zerom x2
Arrows : Holy property

Here I asked for 1 or 2 Slot Bow because Incubus and Succubus is Demon and shadow were as Violy is Demi human and neutral so you will require different bow but this all 3 monster got 1 similar thing that is Size = Medium.

Strategy For This Map

Just Double Strafe all monster Except False Angel. If you want to kill False Angel then you will Require shadow arrow.


Dex: 99
Agi: 99
Str/luk: Remaining


If you are on Low/Mid Rate then You might love to sell Rare Equips For Millions 10mil~1billion (depending upon Drop rate and market) then you need to think of Orleans Glove,Sniping Suit which is Dropped By Bow Guardians of Thor dun 1 or 3.


HeadGear Top : Lkh ( or any which gives you max agi/flee on your server)
Headgear Mid : Binoculars ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Headgear Lower : Pipe ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Armour : Pantie[1]+Alicel Card
Weapon : +10 Composite Bow[4] +2 Knight of Abyss / Abysmal Knight + 2 Hydra Card
Garment : Undershirt[1]+Whisper Card
Footgear : Black Leather Boots[1]+Male thief bug card/Chonchon Card (best will be Chonchon Card)
Accessory : Vesper core 03 x2
Arrows : Neutral property

Strategy For This Map

Use Awakening Potion, Attention Concentration , Level 10 Agi, Level 10 Bless , Assumption(optional),Agi/dex Food (optional) and Go Search A Bow Guardian In Thor dun 1 or 3 and Kill him with Ds (try to search with less monsters)
No Need Of Party for doing this. You Can Solo him If you are 90 Level and above.


Dex: 99
Agi: 99
Luk: remaining


If you are on Low rate server then hunt in Gef_fild05 i.e Wild Rose monster's map which drops Cyfar and Witherless Rose


HeadGear Top : Lkh/Aoa/GB ( or any which gives you max agi/flee on your server)
Headgear Mid : Binoculars ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Headgear Lower : Pipe ( or any which gives you max agi/flee/dex/hit/damage/attack on your server)
Armour : Pantie[1]/Tights[1]/Sniping Suit/Mink Coat/+Alicel Card/Porcellio Card/Or any you like
Weapon : +10 Composite Bow[4] +2 Goblin + 2 Desert Wolf Card
Garment : Undershirt[1]/Muffler/Wool scraf+Whisper Card
Footgear : Black Leather Boots[1]/Boot[1]/Tidal shoes+Male thief bug card/Chonchon Card (best will be Chonchon Card)
Accessory : Nimble Gloves or Mantis Rings
Arrows : Stone property

Strategy For This Map

Just Ds or Attack Normally every one.


Dex: 90
Agi: 90
Str: Remaining for Carrying lot of loot.

Thanks For Reading ^_^
